Building a career in Salesforce DevOps

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With DevOps skills and expertise in huge demand, building a career in Salesforce DevOps is possibly the smartest (and most lucrative!) career move you can make right now. Who better to give you their expert advice on the ins and outs of the jobs market for Salesforce DevOps than Lucy Mazalon, Editor and Co-Founder of Salesforce Ben, and Heather Black, CEO and Founder of Supermums Training and Recruitment!

If you want to upskill and qualify in Salesforce DevOps, join the leading learning platform DevOps Launchpad.

This session from Gearset’s 2021 DevOps Summit is just one of our many DevOps events for Salesforce professionals out there! Check out more of Gearset’s summit and DevOps Dreamin’ for the latest in the ecosystem.