California Department of Industrial Relations

“We love the fact that we can use Gearset to keep tabs on anything that’s being done in the different orgs that we maintain.”

Teodros Negussay | Salesforce Release Manager | California Department of Industrial Relations
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California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) used Gearset to solve their slow Salesforce deployments

DIR unblocked their deployment backlog by switching to Gearset

DIR needed to reduce the time their release team spent on Salesforce deployments. Using Salesforce’s native change sets and the command-line utility ANT, the team were struggling to see object dependencies, build deployment packages and monitor the state of their orgs.

These issues were preventing the team from delivering the improvements they had planned for the DIR’s Salesforce live environment. “We had been struggling with deployments, and we needed a better solution than ANT,” recalls Salesforce Development Manager, Catherine Bae.

The DIR team heard about Gearset from their Salesforce implementation partner, who recommended it as a faster and easier way to deploy changes. By switching to Gearset, the team were able to meet their project goals.

The team now have a regular release cadence and can spend more time on development

Gearset’s org comparisons allow the DIR team to identify the latest changes, so that they know what needs to be included in their deployment packages. One of the team, Teodros Negussay, explains that seeing these metadata components and their dependencies in Gearset speeds up deployments.

The team have now cleared their deployment backlog and have a regular release cycle. Gearset’s change monitoring tool provides ongoing value by identifying unexpected changes in their orgs, helping the team to keep control of their Salesforce environments.

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