Arts Midwest

“With Gearset, it’s not just about the product — it’s about the relationship too.”

Frenz Cabagnot | IT Manager | Arts Midwest
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Arts Midwest found the right solution and support for their Salesforce backups

Arts Midwest is a not-for-profit focused on supporting arts programs in the Midwest region. Frenz Cabagnot, IT Manager at Arts Midwest, spoke with us about his experience of moving from another popular backup solution to Gearset.

With data constantly produced by significant transformation projects and two production orgs to protect “backup is a big thing,” says Frenz. “You need it, even though you hope you don’t have to use it.”

Why switch backup solutions?

Frenz needed to find the right backup solution for Arts Midwest. The top priority, of course, was to ensure the protection of business systems and data. Frenz also wanted a user-friendly interface.

Gearset offers an out-of-the-box solution that allows Frenz to back up both standard and custom objects in production and sandbox environments with just a few clicks. With their previous platform, Arts Midwest had to navigate through several technical steps, presenting a challenge for first-time users unfamiliar with the product. 

Gearset’s backup solution felt user-friendly and in keeping with Salesforce’s “clicks not code” philosophy. “Being able to see what’s ‘changed’ and ‘deleted’ from a backup is useful. Being able to see and restore records that are affected makes it really straightforward.”

As Frenz was transitioning and getting familiar with the previous vendor’s solution, he faced challenges in finding someone to guide him and provide onboarding assistance. 

But he found that Gearset’s support has been instrumental to Arts Midwest’s success. “With Gearset, it’s not just about the product — it’s about the relationship too.” Frenz appreciates the technical knowledge of his Account Manager, and her understanding of Gearset’s capability in real-world scenarios. 

Consolidating data and metadata management 

Frenz is currently exploring the rest of Gearset, hoping to bring different processes for data and metadata management onto one platform: DevOps and sandbox seeding as well as backup and recovery.

Ultimately, Frenz sees the value of Gearset to Arts Midwest as having “the ability to control things and have ease of use — using clicks not code.”

And whether in backup or anything else, Frenz has seen Gearset’s customer focus make for a different experience, from product, to sales, to support. “Gearset don’t just want to sell you products,” he concludes. “They want to help you in what you want to achieve.”

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